If you wish to return an item because you have changed your mind about your purchase, we will offer you a credit, exchange, or refund provided that:

  1. You return the item within 14days of purchase;
  2. You produce your original Phantom Performance Parts receipt at the time you return the item.
  3. The item is in re-saleable condition, meaning that:
    • It is in its original packaging, including instruction manuals and all accessories.
    • It is unopened, unused and in its original condition;

If these requirements are not satisfied Phantom Performance Parts reserves the right not to offer and exchange, refund or store credit.

  1. No returns will be accepted unless the conditions detailed above are satisfied.
  2. Please make sure you have all the above paperwork attached to the goods so there are no delays in processing the return.
  3. All freight on goods returned for credit must be pre-paid.
  4. Please note that goods returned for credit, refund or exchange must not have been used / fitted or modified in any way. Goods failing to meet this requirement will be refused credit and returned to you at your cost.
  5. Goods purchased from our “Specials List”, package deal components or buy-ins / specially procured non-stock lines will not be accepted for return.
  6. All returns must be explicitly approved by the Phantom Performance Parts Warranty Department before the goods returned to our store/office.
  7. Goods that are short supplied must be referred to Phantom Performance Parts within 7 days of receipt.
  8. Please note that receipt of goods by our warehouse should not be seen as an obligation by us to issue a credit, or to provide you with a refund.
  9. Under no circumstances should credit/refund requests be deducted from account payments. This is a violation of our accounts policy.

Contact Information

Questions about the returns & refund policy should be sent to us at [email protected]


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